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PlayStation giveaway sparks mayhem in NYC: Police
Twitch streamer Kai Cenat in custody after giveaway sparks chaos in NYC
UPDATE: Twitch streamer and social media influencer Kai Cenat will be charged with multiple counts after his giveaway of Playstation 5's, gift cards and other items in Manhattan without a permit led to a riot.
NYPD was seen smashing a Kai Cenat fan’s face into the rear windshield of a taxi, causing him to bleed.
NYPD says Kai Cenat will be charged with multiple counts after his attempted giveaway in NYC caused riots 😳
Nah why was they violating Duke Dennis like this at the Kai Cenat giveaway 😭
Twitch streamer Kai Cenat's PlayStation giveaway caused chaos in NYC's Union Square
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